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Fees and Form
categories of registration fees are available. Non-Hong Kong participants are
recommended to take the advantage of FULL registration. It covers all symposium
materials, reception, banquet, meals, and teas. Download Registration Form here
[in pdf] or [in MSword].
Full Registration
Full Registration Fee with lunches only (for local participants if preferred):¶ HK$1,600
Student Registration Fee:#* HK$1,000
Student Registration Fee without meals (for local students if preferred):§* HK$500
Accompany Person
Registration Fee (as
Full registration without abstract):#
Daily Registration Fee with lunch only:& HK$500
* Students must provide a letter from their supervisors confirming their status # include welcome reception, morning and afternoon teas, meals, banquet, and abstract book ¶ include welcome reception, morning and afternoon teas, lunches, and abstract book § include welcome reception, morning and afternoon teas, and abstract book & include one day morning and afternoon teas, lunch, and abstract book
Each participant should complete one copy of the Registration Form and return it to the Symposium Secretariat at the address showed on the form by E-mail/fax for credit card payment or by airmail for check payment. Accompanying person may use the same copy of the Registration Form. The electronic version of the Registration Form [in MSword] is also available for registration through E-mail.
The early
registration deadline is 31 July 2002. A late fee at 10% of the early
registration fee applies after 31 July 2002.
Registration cancellation should be notified in writing to the symposium organizer. Cancellation received before 28 November 2002 will receive a refund less 20% administration fee. No refunds will be made for cancellation received after that date.
Updated on 12 December 2002 by Wei-Min Dai